Friday, January 20, 2012


The great thing about our wedding was that the reception was just a few steps away from the ceremony! We hurried over to the reception and greeted everyone with a receiving line, which turned out to be a great way to speak with everyone that came!

The beginning of a nice long line of wonderful guests! 

Sweet friends, Jacob & Lauren Murphree!

 A dear friend from high school: Zach Gilbert! Thanks for coming Zach!

Raider Red workin' the crowd!

Such pretty flowers. 

After the receiving line, Red escorted us into our reception!

Feeding each other cake has got to be the most awkward thing ever!

 Toasts from our precious bridal party. Clay Hooten went first. It was amazing. 

Dr. Pepper & Diet Coke!

Then Brittnye! She walked through the MANY memories we've shared together. It was so special. She even put a copy of it in my purse along with sweet notes that I found when we got to Costa Rica. I definitely cried as I read them all. Thank you dear friend!

Then my dear little sister, Meghan. Oh how her speech had me tearing up. I love you dear Meg! You're the best little sister anyone could hope for!

We did all the "activities" that usually occur at a reception immediately so that people could leave if they needed to. Next was the bouquet toss. Sweet little Kenedi caught it!

And the garter throw! Chad's Grandfather is a hoot. He caught the garter and immediately put it on his head!

In between mingling with our guests we jumped in the photobooth for some fun! This is Kate...she is the most adorable child I know!

As I mentioned before, we had a tortilla toss as our send off. I can now tell you that tortillas hurt when they hit you!

Goodbye friends! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all of those who made the drive to our wedding! It meant so much to me!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog!! So cute and sweet!! Thanks for posting the pic of you and Kate...EVERYTIME we drive past the stadium..."there is the castle that Chad and Lauren got married in!" Yes, is!! Love you girl!
