Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hello Blog World. I'm Lauren and He's Chad.

Hello blogging world. I'm Lauren, and the husband is Chad. We are the Greenfields! We (well, really I) started this blog right after we got married 5 months ago, but failed miserably to update...errr even start posting. I'll be honest, I didn't post because all my other blog friends were kind of intimidating. You see, I read LOTS of blogs, and the authors all seem so cool, and hip, and all seem to lead such fun lives. In reality, I'm quite boring, so I thought I'd be posting about what we had for dinner or what we are currently watching on television. But I've recently been inspired to move past fears of being not as good as the next blog! So here we go! We'll start with an introduction post, and then I'll be updating a TON from pictures and blog ideas that I've saved for the last 5 months of our lives! Secretly I've wanted to be a blogger the whole time ;)

This is Chad. He's my husband. He makes me laugh constantly, and can give some pretty impressive pep talks when you're feeling down. He works for a medical device company as a jack-of-all-trades. He fits braces (knee, back, neck, etc), delivers medical equipment, and does all the billing. I'd say he's pretty talented! In his free time, he LOVES to work out (Crossfit!), all things Texas Tech University, sports, and to make people laugh. I'd say I got a pretty good catch! :)

I'm Lauren! I work as a Physician Assistant in a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic.  I graduated from PA school on August 4, 2011 and we got married on August 13, 2011! My job is overwhelmingly good, yet still very hard all at the same time. When I'm not working, I enjoy reading, a good Bible study, sleeping (a little too much), making and eating desserts, reading blogs, shopping, and every now and then working out!

We are the Greenfields! Pleased to meet ya!

Stay tuned for lots of updates from our wedding, honeymoon, holidays, usual outings, and some regarding my new Bible I just got. It's AWESOME, and I cannot wait to learn from it!

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