Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pre-Wedding Brunch!

Our brief story:
We met several years ago at church. Truthfully, I don't remember the first time I met Chad, I just remember always seeming to know who he was. We attended the same church, First Baptist Church in Lubbock, and had a few similar friends. Who am I kidding, he was friends with my ex-boyfriend. Long story short,  boyfriend broke my heart, Chad and I went on a mission trip (BeachReach) to Florida during Spring Break of 2008, and the rest is history! We left as simple friends, and returned to Texas as much more! I am so thankful that God placed us together! I can't imagine my life any differently!

Our wedding day was the most perfect thing I ever could have imagined. The day started with a sweet and intimate brunch at my Aunt Kenda's home. It was just my bridesmaids, Mom, Aunt, Mother-In-Law, and Sister-in-Law. Take a look...
The adorable table setting! Our colors were green, plum, and champagne, and she incorporated these beautifully into the brunch!

So cute!

Delicious quiche, fruit cup made out of an orange, and strawberry bread!

This is the group! Clockwise around the table is: Meghan (maid of honor and my sister), Alexe' (bridesmaid), Kayli (sister-in-law), Vicki (mother-in-law), Natalie (bridesmaid), Nicole (bridesmaid), Brittnye (matron of honor and cousin!), Debbie (my Mom), and Me! I apologize ladies, I realize we have no makeup on!

The best Aunt ever! Thank you Kenda for all your did for us! :)
Lets call this my "before" picture. Please oh please stay tuned for the "after". You'll be shocked. 


Moms of the bride and groom! They were making fun of my "bent knee". 

Sisters of the bride and groom!

It was a wonderful luncheon. I'll never forget that prayer my Aunt prayed before we ate. She said "may today be filled with vivid memories for Lauren, and may she stop and see what all is going on around her today". I have SO many incredible memories from our wedding day! Thank you Kenda for praying for something I didn't even know I would desire! 

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