Monday, September 14, 2015

Let's Start With The Good...

I kind of teased everyone the other day with my post previewing Lauren & I's story over the last two years. I mentioned that it has been a roller coaster of emotions and we have so much to share, but since I have always been a glass half-full kind of guy, let's start with the good...

As many of you likely saw, we were able to announce that we are expecting a baby in late February.

We are absolutely thrilled that we are going to become parents!  This little baby is an answer to many prayers and is already so loved.  Parenthood is sure to be quite the roller coaster, but we are so excited to continue on this journey, a journey that has already taken a much longer, more difficult path than either of us ever imagined.

Mom and baby are doing fine, but it has definitely been an extremely interesting journey. Lauren is 17 weeks now and slowly starting to feel better, but she would definitely appreciate it if someone would inform the baby that he/she is not supposed to be making her sick anymore now that they are in the 2nd trimester!  Right now we are eagerly awaiting our 20 week appointment so that we can find out whether we are going to have a boy or a girl. Those of you that know me well know that patience is not one of the gifts I was given an abundance of so the last few weeks have been increasingly hard for me.  I've felt like a toddler waiting for Christmas only to be told we still haven't had Thanksgiving yet!  Neither Lauren or I have a preference of a boy or girl, we just continue to pray for a healthy baby and that God will use that baby to do amazing things for His Kingdom.

But come on, think about it, a miniature Chad (even more miniature than the original version), how adorable would that be!?!
We are very thankful that, as of right now, morning sickness and fatigue are they only things that we have to worry about because we have been on quite the ride so far.  Though it has been a whirlwind, God has continued to be faithful and show us His provision.  More about that tomorrow...

Thanks for reading!


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