Friday, January 25, 2013

Meet Ari

Remember how forever ago I told you about our sweet Hitch? If not, you can catch up here.

After Hitch died little Turk was quite the sad, clingy, pathetic pup. He refused to leave our side, and insisted on sitting in our laps at all times. This was endearing for a few days, maybe even a week. And then we started to realize how much Hitch entertained Turk. Even though Turk was a little rude dog at times, he really, really missed Hitch. So we started discussing getting a puppy. Chad was interested in getting a vizsla. They are Hungarian hunting dogs, and he had seen some on our trips to Hungary. We googled "vizsla breeders" and lo-and-behold there was a breeder in Odessa, TX, and she had a litter ready to go. Now yes, I did think this was quite fast after Hitch's death, but it all fell into place so perfectly. We drove to Odessa one Friday afternoon to "look at the puppies". And we fell in love with this gal... 

The skies on our way to Odessa sure were gorgeous!
First photo! In the breeder's home.
Given that she's a Hungarian dog, we decided she needed a Hungarian name. This proved to be challenging as most names that Hungarians would choose for their pets have a billion consonants in them and would never be pronounced correctly.  Therefore, we went through our favorite names that we've encountered while in Hungry. And the name 'Ari' won!

On the car ride home. Notice the toys... we stopped at Target and I ran in to grab those toys. She whined for maybe 10 minutes and then slept the whole way to Lubbock. 

The next morning. Turk sure was excited to see her Friday night, but Saturday morning he was a bit confused as to why she was still in his house. 
Sweetest puppy dog ever!
This was taken on my birthday a few weeks after we got her.  She and Turk are BOTH cuddly dogs!
One of MANY walks/runs taken during her first few weeks with us. She had more energy that both of us combined. 

She grew so quickly... can't believe she a full grown Vizsla now!

She's not a fan of this coat.
I'm so glad we opted for a little vizsla girl. She is sweet, loving, eager to please us, SMART, and so much fun! She's brought much joy and laughter to our lives in the last 6 months! 

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