Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Two Years Ago Today...

On this morning two years ago I was eagerly awaking to the joy of my wedding day! That day is filled with memories that are still so vivid and clear to me that I have the hardest time believing it’s already been 2 full years since those memories were made! Chad and I were blessed with a truly incredible wedding day, but more importantly we’ve been blessed by 2 years of living life together.

I sure love this man God gave me, and I thank Him daily for placing Chad by my side. In our second year of marriage we have:

·      Buried Chad’s dog, Hitch
·      Gained a puppy, Ari, that stole our hearts
·      Buried my grandfather
·      Buried Chad’s grandfather
·      Lead a LifeGroup for college students at Tech
·      Taken one awesome cruise (first vacation since our honeymoon)
·      Questioned God’s calling regarding the next step in our lives…
·      And now moved our lives across the state of Texas in response to His urging

This isn’t really how I thought our lives would look on our 2nd anniversary, but I just want the world to know that I wouldn’t change a thing.

As hinted above, we’re in the midst of what currently feels like the longest transition period ever. I moved to Houston June 10 and have spent the last 10 weeks living life here while Chad bounced around between Lubbock, Midland, Houston, Chicago and now Phoenix.

Moving definitely stretches the limits of a person, and can bring out the deepest insecurities and weaknesses in our faith. If there’s one thing that’s been apparent to me over the last 10 weeks, it’s the fact that I need my husband. Not that I need him to complete me, or to make my life worthwhile, or to give my life purpose. That's not it at all. I’ve found those things in my Savior and in Him alone. But more in the sense that I need Chad to be where I am, because he the greatest gift from above that I have ever been given.  Chad and I make a great team. His strengths compliment my weaknesses.  

When I am fearful, he remains calm and laid back.

When I worry about our future and plans for moving and building a new life, he points to peace and reminds me that God has laid this path out before us so clearly that we’d be fools not to follow.

When I question our finances (for the 10th time), he patiently shows me the numbers again, and again, and again. And then re-explains all those business and mortgage terms that my biology teachers failed to incorporate during my college years.

When I search for the reason behind this move, he first listens, and then tells me we may never know and quit wasting energy.

When I start to focus on the things we’re losing by moving so terribly far away from our families and support system, he points to the many things we may never know that we lost by never stepping out in faith.

When I need encouragement, he faithfully repeats the story of how we ended up in this place, and then I am reassured that we took the right step.

When I’m too overwhelmed to pray through the tears some nights, he sweetly prays in my turn (we take turns praying each night together), and for this I am truly grateful.  

Thank you for being the husband that I need. A man that is true to his word, reliable, and so much fun to be around. Thank you for making me laugh on a daily basis! I pray that I continue to learn to be the wife you need in life. Thank you for choosing me to walk through life with you! It's been my greatest pleasure! :) 

So, even though I didn’t intend for our second anniversary to be spent with myself in Houston and him in Phoenix, I wouldn’t have this any other way.

Here’s to our 3rd year together!!! Moving does one positive thing for us – we now have a completely clean slate as we’re starting over. This means any challenges and blessings we receive will stand out even more as we reflect next year! I can’t wait to see how God has filled that empty slate! 

I love you, Chad! 

Thank you for being my husband.