Saturday, July 13, 2013

Our First House

Chad graduated with his MBA in May 2008, about 2 months after we started dating, and was blessed to get a great job in Lubbock a few months before graduating. So one Thursday afternoon I skipped one of my biology labs and we drove around town with a realtor looking at houses. :) We can't remember if we looked at 3 or 4 houses, but we both immediately fell in love with this one! It has been such a good home to Chad and now to us for that last 5 years! 
The previous owners built the house, and had painted every room a different color, so the house sat on the market for months before Chad found it. Due to this, they'd dropped the price quite a bit! So the weekend Chad signed on the home, we painted the entryway, living room, kitchen/dining, guest bathroom, and master bedroom. This was also the first time I met Chad's parents!

This sweet view greeted us every time we came home for the first 22 months of our marriage! 

View looking in the front door.

Into the living room.

 Living room/dining room.


Photobomb Ari.

Master bedroom - located off the entry way. 

Chad and his dad, Charlie, worked so hard to completely replace the master shower after we found a leak Memorial day 2012. They did a great job! 

My Mom and I repainted the master bedroom and bathroom Spring Break 2013 - it's my favorite color in the house - Benjamin Moore's Horizon. 

Master bathroom.

Guest bedroom.

Curious Ari! 

3rd bedroom (which we used as an office).

Guest bathroom. 

Laundry room.

Back patio with a firepit!