Thursday, February 2, 2012


The last few weeks Chad and I have been watching a show on HGTV called Property Brothers.  I have always enjoyed shows that involved a good before and after, but this show has really captured our attention.  The show involves a couple that is looking for a new home. The brothers, Jonathan and Scott, have the couple make a list of all the amenities that would be included in their "dream home".  Then, they show them their dream home.  And as you would expect, these homes are AMAZING.  The couple ooos and ahhs over the house with statements like "it's perfect" and "it's exactly what we wanted".  Next, in what is really a dream-killer, the brothers tell the couple the true price of their dream home. . . and it's never affordable.  As the couple stands there in disappointment the brothers explain to them that they can flip a home that is a little older and needs more work into their dream home.  The couple is NEVER enthused.  Usually they're quite rude to the brothers!  The next portion of the show involves Scott, the realtor brother, taking the couple to see older, more outdated homes that are in their price range.  While in the homes one of the brothers, Jonathan, who just so happens to be a contractor, scouts out options for knocking down walls, changing the kitchen, adding more storage and new flooring to make this seemingly hideous home into something unimaginably beautiful.  During the showing of these older homes, the couple always has a terrible, and I do mean terrible, attitude.  They do not believe that Jonathan will be able to transform this home into something they can live in, much less love like they loved the dream home they were just shown.  Eventually the couple has to make a decision, and they choose one of the older homes.  Jonathan shows them his vision for the home, and immediately the couple's attitude changes.  They all dive in head first to demolition and renovations.  By the end of the show, during the big reveal, the couple is always blown away by the transformation.  Jonathan has literally changed the house from the inside out.  Before, what they looked at in disgust, they now look at in awe.

I've been thinking this week about why certain TV shows hook me better than others, and I've decided that these shows have a huge hook-factor because of the before and after component.  Kind of like how my attitude and perspectives once were of this world, and after the transformation of Jesus they're set on eternal things.  I don't know if you've ever watched someone be truly changed from the inside out or not, but the difference is astounding.  Over spring break Chad and I will have the opportunity to lead a mission trip to Gyor, Hungary.  This will be Chad's third year to spend spring break in Hungary, and my second.  The people of Hungary have spent most of their lives under communism's reign.  Therefore most of the people are quiet, introverted, and incredibly difficult to get to know - especially on a religious level.  Our friends Larry & Melinda Ewing have dedicated their lives to bringing the Hungarian people the story of Jesus, and an eternal hope.  They have been in Gyor about 5 years and have seen roughly 25-35 people become active, evangelistic believers in Jesus Christ.  They'll tell you it's a slow and long process for Hungarians to commit to such a life change. Probably because they have little to no comprehension of a personal relationship with a Savior, and have a hard time making a decision because for so long they've been told what to do by the government.  But after they learn of Jesus and make the commitment to follow Him, the transformation between their old lives, ideas, beliefs for the future, and lack of hope as compared to the new life grounded in a perfect hope from above is phenomenal - and makes it worth the time spent.  Today I'm thankful that I was raised in the United States, where we're free to go to church, to own as many Bibles as we like, and to teach our children and friends about the love of God.  Thank you Jesus for transforming lives from the inside out, and making something astoundingly beautiful out of ashes.

Chad and I would covet and be oh so grateful for your prayers as we prepare to lead this small group of college and young professionals to Hungary for 10 days.  We will leave March 9 and return March 17.

This is the American students with the Hungarian high school students on the trip in 2010.

 The view in Budapest!